Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know to make the most of your stay at Clos du Piheux!

Is breakfast included in the price?

Yes, the price of the night includes the breakfast continental.

Is Le Clos du Piheux a hotel?

More than a hotel, Clos du Piheux is a quiet guest house with three large, comfortable rooms. We offer a personalised welcome to suit each guest and respond to individual requests and expectations. Our guest house is an alternative to the hotel in Le Lion d'Angers, which closed several years ago.

Do you accept animals?

Pets are not allowed in the guest house.

How far are you from Parc de l'Isle Briand in Le Lion d'Angers?

Le Clos du Piheux is 5km from the site and equestrian facilities, just 8 minutes by car.

Do you have a car park?

Yes, free parking is available in the courtyard.

Is it possible to park a van or small lorry?

It's perfectly possible with a few manoeuvres.

Do you have somewhere to leave the bikes?

Yes, bicycles are protected during your stay.

Do you offer the meal?

A meal can be booked during the week and is available at weekends for cyclists, for example.

Are towels provided?

Yes, towels are available in the shower room.

Is Le Clos du Piheux far from Angers and Terra Botanica?

The guest house is just 30 minutes from Angers and 25 minutes from the Terra Botanica park.

Do you have a family room?

Yes, the Grand-Mère" room with its double bed and two single beds can accommodate 4 people. An extra bed or cot can be added.

At what time can I access my room?

Reception starts at 4.30pm, with the possibility of arriving earlier provided that you have given advance notice and that the rooms are ready.